Voiced Vs. Unvoiced Sounds – What’s the Difference?

Ari referred to them as “the fuzzy sounds,” which his teacher explained are actually “voiced sounds.” But what exactly distinguishes these fuzzy (voiced) sounds from their smoother (unvoiced) counterparts? Shirley Houston provides a clear explanation and practical tips for identifying these sounds, along with fun activities to help both children and adults sharpen their listening skills.

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Mastery in Phonics Learning

The term ‘mastery’ is used in nearly every teaching curriculum, but what exactly does it mean? What does phonics mastery look like? And once students have achieved it, how do you help them sustain it? Shirley Houston explains how to master…mastery!

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“You Say, I Say”: Navigating Accent in Phonics Instruction

With over 160 dialects spoken worldwide, English is a wonderfully diverse language. But what’s a teacher to do when one child says “to-may-to” and another “to-mar-to”? Shirley Houston explores key differences between accents in English and offers advice on respectfully navigating these differences when teaching reading and spelling.

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When to Stop Teaching Phonics

The English-speaking world is FINALLY coming to a consensus that systematic, synthetic phonics is crucial to learning to read and spell, but when should you stop teaching phonics? When do you move children on from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn’? Teacher Shirley Houston discusses.

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How to Teach Alternative Spellings

As the school year progresses, students start to fly through the basic phonics code – until they come up against the alternative spellings and it hurts even your head! How do you teach and embed the alternative spellings so that students’ spelling becomes more accurate? Teacher Shirley Houston explains.

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Developing Automaticity in Reading

As you read this, you are not sounding out each word – you are automatically reading the words. This is automaticity; it frees up your working memory to comprehend what’s written and is our end goal for the children we teach to read. Teacher Shirley Houston explains how to systematically teach phonics to ensure every child achieves automaticity and becomes a skilled reader.

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Cognitive Load Theory and Reading Instruction

Cognitive Load Theory helps explain why the reading progress of some students is slower than expected. Once the theory ‘clicks’ for you, your teaching will change – for the better! Teacher Shirley Houston takes teachers through the theory and practical applications of Cognitive Load. A must-read for every teacher.

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Catching Up on Phonics After Lockdown

What a strange time to be teaching in! Somewhere across the planet there is a teacher taking stock of the effect of school closures on their student’s literacy. Many who would be ordinarily would be reaching benchmarks are sadly not. Shirley Houston shares her top five tips for catching up on phonics – quickly!

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How to Teach Tricky Words

Tricky words, like ‘the’ and ‘was’, often trip up teachers and students with their rare spelling choices. Shirley Houston explains tricky words, the steps to teach them systematically and explicitly, and offers ideas and free resources to put this into practice.

tricky words summary picture

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Oral Blending and Segmenting – Before Letters, There Were Sounds!

The best teachers of reading start by teaching oral blending and segmenting skills first: lessening the cognitive load on children and making the leap to reading and spelling with letters all the easier! 

Learning support teacher, Shirley Houston, explains oral blending and segmenting and gives you the step-by-step ‘how to’.  Plus, you’ll find heaps of free resources included! 

oral blending summary picture

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How to Teach Vowel Teams

Vowel teams are probably the most common source of reading and spelling errors as one vowel sound may be represented by as many as 6 different vowel teams. Teacher Shirley Houston breaks down the vowel teams and how to teach them!

vowel teams summary picture

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What is a Schwa and How to Teach It

The schwa can be a cause of confusion and frustration in spelling and reading for a student. Teacher Shirley Houston will give you a simple way to explain it and some tips for helping students to decode and encode words containing a schwa.

schwa summary picture

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