More from Parents Looking for Catch-up

Our daughter enjoys this so much. She is 4 1/2 and has just started school this year. She had some problems with hearing and synthesising phonemes. Between speech therapy and Phonics Hero she has improved her abilities majorly to the point where she keeps up with the class easily. Given her age and speech errors this is an awesome achievement!

Ruth Salonga York, UK – 10 September 2014

My daughter was 4.5 years old when she started Kindergarten this year. At the end of last year, after 2 years of ‘waiting / monitoring her speech (everyone was saying I was being prematurely concerned about her speech development), I decided to have her assessed by a speech therapist.

While some of the issues were related to tongue position, she also had a phonological problem. She could hear the sounds c a t, but could not string them together to hear a word, yet was on the whole assessed as ready for school. My daughters’ Godfather is a Primary school teacher, and he is the one who suggested Phonics Hero to us.

Between working with the speech therapist and using Phonics Hero, my daughter is now able to sound out words using phonemes and identify them. She really enjoyed freeing the superheroes (Part 1), and all the rescue missions in Part 2. She was so engaged that I really had to be persistent when she needed change task and do anything else. She was asking to play Phonics Hero not watch TV as her reward ‘treat’.

Overall this program has helped her confidence in reading and the background skills required to be able to do so. She used to pick up a book / object with writing on it and pass it to her sister to read to her. With her new found confidence, on the weekend I saw her pick up a cereal box and start to read it for herself. Of course there were words she didn’t know (she’s only in Kindergarten), but she discovered that the were many words (camera words) that she did know. This gave her additional confidence to attempt sounding out the unknown words. Although she required some support with non-camera words, with minimal encouragement she kept on reading the whole blurb and did not give up! That is something! A big something for someone who had struggled so much with hearing the actual ‘sounds’ that make up words. Thumbs up to Phonics Hero.

Ruth Watson, NSW, Australia – 7 May 2014

My youngest daughter has been diagnosed with SPD and has been lacking support at school. After many months of testing and finally getting her IQ score I was sent on a mission to find a good phonics program that would help her catch up on what she had missed. She loves the program and uses it at home regularly, finally hearing the blends correctly. Her teacher at school is also very impressed. Thank you for a terrific program.

Pam Luders, Queensland, Australia – 3 August 2013

Like a lot of four year old boys my son can be a reluctant reader and writer. Getting him to engage in phonics activities can be a frustrating experience for us both. That is, however, until we discovered Phonics Hero. I have never seen him so excited by, and so involved in a phonics activity.

Rebecca Tomais, Hong Kong – 26 April 2013

Jonathan’s spelling – he’s getting it now. It’s like he’s had the ‘ah-ha’ moment. Phonics Hero has taught him spelling doesn’t need to be tough!

Robin Serpell, UK – 14 April 2013

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