No-Prep Phonics Lessons Placement

You will need to do your own mini-assessment to see where to start with your child. Below are the levels and the sounds we teach. In large lower-case letters, write the letter – or set of letters – and ask your child to say the sound (if you are unsure of the sound, you can click the drop-down for audio support but this is only intended for adult support). The first sound he/she doesn’t automatically know is where we will start.

Part 1

Level 1 - s, m, c, t, g, p, a, o
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
s s – a – t card_sat
m m – o – p card_mop
c c – a – t card_cat
t t – o – p card_top
g t – a – g card_tag
p c – a – p card_cap
a t – a – p card_tap
o p – o – p card_pop

Level 2 - r, l, d, b, f, h, i, u
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
r r – u – g card_rug
l l – o – g card_log
d d – o – g card_dog
b b – u – s card_bus
f f – i – g card_fig
h h – o – p card_hop
i p – i – g card_pig
u b – u – d card_bud

Level 3 - v, w, y, z, j, n, k, e
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
v v – a – n card_van
w w – i – g card_wig
y y – u – m card_yum
z z – i – p card_zip
j j – u – g card_jug
n s – u – n card_sun
k i – n – k card_ink
e b – e – d card_bed

Level 4 - ll, ss, ff, zz
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
ll h – i – ll card_hill
ss k – i – ss card_kiss
ff p – u – ff card_puff
zz j – a – zz card_jazz

Level 5 - sh, ch, th, wh
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
sh sh – o – p card_shop
ch ch – i – ll card_chill
th m – o – th card_moth
wh wh – i – p card_whip

Level 6 - ck, ng, qu, x
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
ck s – o – ck card_sock
ng h – a – ng card_hang
qu qu – i – ll card_quill
x f – o – x card_fox

Part 2

Level 7 - if your child cannot read 4-sound words such as 'camp or 'flag' start here.

No new sounds are taught here, instead we focus on words which use the sounds from the first 6 levels but are in a more complicated pattern: VCC (Vowel, Consonant, Consonant), CCVC and CVCC words.

Level 8 - ee as in 'bee': ee, ea, y and e.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
ee b – ee card_bee
ea l – ea – f card_leaf
y j – e – ll – y card_jelly
e w – e card_we

Level 9 - igh as in 'high': i, igh, y, ie, and i_e.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
i f – i – n – d card_find
igh l – igh – t card_light
y s – p – y card_spy
ie p – ie card_pie
i_e f f – i – r – e card_fire

Level 10 - oa as in 'boat': o, oa, ow, and o_e.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
o p – o – n – y card_pony
oa b – oa – t card_boat
ow s – n – ow card_snow
o_e b – o – n – e card_bone

Level 11 - ai as in 'sail': a, ai, ay, a_e.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
a b – a – b – y card_baby
ai r – ai – n card_rain
ay h – ay card_hay
a_e p – l – a – n – e card_plane

Level 12 - ue as in 'blue': oo, ew, ue, and u_e.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
oo b – r – oo – m card_broom
ew b – l – ew card_blew
ue b – l – ue card_blue
u_e f – l – u – t – e card_flute

Part 3

Level 13 - r as in 'road': r, rr, and wr.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
r r – o – b – o – t card_robot
rr m – a – rr – y card_marry
wr wr – e – ck card_wreck

Level 14 - oi as in 'oil': oi, and oy.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
oi oi – l card_oil
oy r – oy – a – l card_royal

Level 15 - f as in 'fish': f, ff, and ph.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
ph d – o – l – ph – i – n card_dolphin
f f – i – sh card_fish
ff s – n – i – ff card_sniff

Level 16 - ow as in 'cow': ow and ou.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
ow ow – l card_owl
ou s – c – ou – t card_scout

Level 17 - se as in 'house': c, ce, s, se, and ss.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
c p – e – n – c – i – l card_pencil
ce b – ou – n – ce card_bounce
s s – ea – l card_seal
se m – ou – se card_mouse
ss d – r – e – ss card_dress

Level 18 - oo as in 'hood': u, oo, and oul.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
u p – u – ll card_pull
oo b – oo – k card_book
oul w – oul – d would

Level 19 - ar as in 'car': ar and a.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
ar sh – ar – k card_shark
a v – a – se card_vase

Level 20 - ir as in 'bird': ir, er, ear, ur, and or.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
ir b – ir – d card_bird
er f – er – n card_fern
ear ear – th card_earth
ur t – ur – n – i – p card_turnip
or ar – t – w – or – k card_artwork

Level 21 - or as in 'for': or, au, aw, al, and ore.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
or f – or – k card_fork
au l – au – n – ch card_launch
aw y – aw – n card_yawn
al ch – al – k card_chalk
ore c – ore card_core

Level 22 - air as in 'fair': air, ear, are, and ere.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
air f – air – y card_fairy
ear b – ear card_bear
are s – c – are – c – r – ow card_scarecrow
ere wh – ere card_where

Level 23 - j as in 'jam': j, dge, ge, and g.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
j j – u – n – k card_junk
dge h – e – dge card_hedge
ge s – au – s – a – ge card_sausage
g g – i – r – a – ff – e card_giraffe

Level 24 - ch as in 'chop': ch, tch, and tu.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
ch ch – er – u – b card_cherub
tch w – i – tch card_witch
tu n – a – tu – r – e card_nature

Level 25 - sh as in 'shop': sh, ci, and ti.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
sh sh – i – p card_ship
ci m – a – g – i – ci – a – n card_magician
ti m – ar – ti – a – n card_martian

Level 26- si as in 'vision': s and si.
Representation See it in Action Blend Together Say the Word
s t – r – ea – s – ure card_treasure
si t – e – l – e – v – i – si – o – n card_television