An Overview of Our Teacher Management Tools

Log in to your Teacher Account to manage your students’ Child Accounts.

Log in > Manage Accounts > Classes & Students section

Tick the boxes to the left to select which class and/or student(s) you wish to edit, then click the desired action buttons at the top.


Add Class

Add a new class or group to help better manage your students.


Edit the name of the class, the teacher responsible for it and view which schedules are in place.

Please note: you must tick the checkbox next to the class name before clicking this button.


Delete a class.

Please note: this does not delete your Child Accounts but you must move all students from the class before trying to delete it; find out how.

Class Name

Click on a class name to expand it and display a list of students within that class. This displays more action buttons, which are detailed below.



Click on a student’s username to edit their personal and account information.


Add more Child Accounts to your trial or purchase them directly within your account. Check out these pages for step-by-step instructions:


Create cards with login details and download personalised letters to send home.

Change Class

Move students to another class. If you need to create a new class first, follow these steps.

Change the level for a student/whole class.


Stop students from zooming through levels, by specifying how far they can go. Useful for homework and school holiday activities.
Please note: you must select a whole class before clicking this button.


Wipe all data from one or more accounts (i.e. name, password, level, scores & playing history). Useful for transferring accounts from one student to another.

Author: Phonics Hero

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