Phonics Hero Promo Codes, Offers and Coupons
We are currently running the following offers:
Sibling Discount – 50% Off!
Pay full price for your first child, then each additional child is 50% off! To get this discount,
create an account and set up all the children you want to add, pay for the first child, then email to request a discounted payment request for the additional child(ren).
Please note: this offer is only available for accounts that have been purchased via our website, not through Apple or Android. In order to receive the discount for the second child, you must have an active subscription for another child.
Homeschool Package – Save 30%
Get 30% off our products, with the Homeschool Package:
- 1 year access to the Phonics Hero games (for 1 child. Multiple child options are also available)
- 1 year access to the Phonics Lessons
- All 220 worksheets
All for just US$90*, a saving of US$38! Learn more about the
Homeschool Package.