There’s No Sound From the Games on Chrome

If you are playing Phonics Hero on a computer, iPad, or compatible Android device and can’t hear any sound from the games, please try the following:

  • If playing on an iPad or Android tablet, please ensure you are using the Phonics Hero app and not your device’s mobile browser.

  • Check if the volume on your device or headphones is low/off.

  • On a computer, please play our games with our preferred internet browser, Chrome. If you’re using a different browser such as Edge or Firefox, have a look at these instructions. To troubleshoot sound problems in Chrome, try each of the following:

    1. Please check the tab in your Chrome browser is not muted. To do this, right-click the Phonics Hero tab and then click ‘Unmute site’.

    2. Click the lock next to your address bar to check your Site Settings on Google Chrome and ensure that sound is set to ‘Allow’.

    3. Clear your browser’s cache.

Author: Phonics Hero

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