Phonics Hero Android™ App

Phonics Android App - Phonics Hero

Download it on Google Play™ or simply search for “Phonics Hero”.

Once downloaded, log in with your active username and password. If you do not have an account yet, you can sign up for a free 7 day trial.


Phonics Hero is an online gaming platform which is best played on tablets optimised for gaming. Although Phonics Hero will work on most Android tablets, there are thousands available on the market and we unfortunately cannot test the compatibility of each one. Here are a couple of pointers to bear in mind though:

  • Check out our list of Android devices that Google Play has matched us with.
  • Your tablet will need to be connected to the internet for the app to work.
  • Your tablet will need to be have GPS enabled.
  • It only gives you access to a child account. Teachers can use their login details to access their students’ accounts.
  • Phonics Hero will not work on small devices.
  • The app is not supported on XO computers or tablets.
  • Your tablet will need to be running Operating System 9.0 or later.