Which Android Devices Are Supported?

Phonics Hero is available on many Android tablets through our Android app. Download it now by searching for “Phonics Hero” in Google Play.

You can check out our list of Android devices that Google Play has matched Phonics Hero to be compatible with. We have not tested every device and there are variations of each model, so if you are purchasing a new tablet to play Phonics Hero with, we recommend downloading the app on the store’s test device first to be 100% certain.

Technical Requirements

Although Phonics Hero will work on a lot of Android tablets, there are thousands available on the market and we unfortunately cannot test the compatibility of every one. Here are a couple of pointers to bear in mind:

  • Phonics Hero is an online gaming platform which is best played on tablets optimised for gaming with a screen size of at least 8 inches and with good graphic processing power.

  • Once you have downloaded the app, you will need to turn on Auto-update to ensure your app stays up to date and working at its best.

  • Your tablet will need to be connected to the internet for the app to work.

  • It only gives you access to a Child Account. To access reporting and other features, you will need log in on a computer.

  • Phonics Hero will not work on Android phones or mini tablets using the app or a mobile internet browser.

  • The app is not supported on Amazon Fire tablets or XO computers and tablets.

  • Your tablet will need to be running Operating System 9.0 or later.

Author: Phonics Hero

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